Saturday, February 27, 2010

* If you need to know the likes / dislikes of the Skelanimals are, press 3.

* If you need to know the likes / dislikes of the Skelanimals are, press 3.


Here I will tell the likes/dislikes of each (KNOWN) Skelanimal. This information is brought to you straight from the OFFICIAL website, so there won't be any confusion or controversy.


ChungKee the Panda.

*Chewing bamboo is ChungKee’s favorite task.

*But sometimes he worries that it will bite him right back!

*He doesn’t say much, but he’s known for his wisdom.

*So when he speaks up, the others sure listen!


Dax the Dog.

*Dax is always ready to play.

*He loves getting attention, all night and all day.

*He’ll be your best pal on life’s crazy ride.

*You can count on him to stay by your side!


Diego the Bat.

*Diego's favorite scary movie is "Birds."
*You can usually find him in the dark upper corner of your closet sleeping during the day.

*At night he flies around pestering the other Skelanimals to play.

*He's as playful as Dax, who sometimes joins him looking for fireflies in the dark.
*While you're asleep, Diego will watch over you to make sure the bugs don't bother you.


Elle the Elephant.

*Elle's favorite scary movie is "Village of the Spears."
*Since she's the biggest of the Skelanimals, she tends to accidently bump into them.

*She's actually very gentle, but when she has her mind set on something, she can be pretty stubborn.
*She can throw a huge tantrum at times, but it's really just to get rid of anything that might be bothering her.
After that, she's just fine.


Jack the Rabbit.

*You may think you’ve seen other rabbits hop fast.
*But once you’ve seen Jack take off, that’s all in the past.
*Just try to catch him, he can’t get enough!
*He’ll even race turtles, he just, ‘cause he loves to show off.


Kit the Cat.

*Kit’s favorite scary movie is “Lost at Sea.”

*Whenever she sees water she gets scared and looks for a high place to stay, like a shelf or next to your computer, because she knows you won’t have any water there.

*She’s quite clever that way.

*She can be a little sassy, but she doesn’t mean it. It’s just part of her nature.


Marcy the Monkey.

*You can always find Marcy hanging around out in the trees.
*Her powerful tail makes swinging a breeze.
*She’s cool and content, hanging even upside down.
*But It makes her quite happy, even happier to have you around!


Pen the Penguin.

*Pen's favorite scary movie is "Orca, Orca!"
*Pen loves to play with the freezer door, but, he doesn't need to be cool all the time.

*He gets hot and cold easily. When he wants to be warm he'll slip into your bed and snuggle against your feet.
*Pen makes the other Skelanimals laugh whenever he waddles and slips on his butt. He loves making people laugh.


Quackie the Duck.

*It’s very hard to ignore little Quackee.
*No matter where she is, she sings as loud as can be.
*She may be carefree, and happy-go-lucky.
*But if a friend needs her, she’s one devoted ducky!


Dee the Deer.

*Dee’s favorite scary movie is “The Deer Hunt.”

*Dee tends to be shy. She doesn’t want to offend anybody and is careful about what she says.

*She’ll go with whatever everybody wants to do as long as it’s fun.


Bill the Pig.

*Bill’s favorite scary movie is “The Butcher’s Block.”

*Bill is pretty silly; he loves rolling around on the floor and snorting at everyone.

*He sticks his snout into other Skelanimals’ conversations, and generally has a good answer to everything, even though they didn’t ask him.


Lammy the Lamb.

Lammy’s favorite scary movie is “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.”

*She just wants to cuddle up in bed and sleep all day.

*She doesn’t want to play and run around, but rather daydream about floating in the clouds and sleeping.

*Her motto is, “Whatever happens, happens. Everthing will be just fine.”


Carrie the Horse.

*Carrie’s favorite scary movie is “Born Free.”

*Carrie likes being cared for. She likes being groomed and pampered. *She doesn’t feel she’s spoiled, she just likes those things and feels she deserves them.

*If you’re willing to give her what she wants, she’ll love you forever.


Roy the Rooster.

*Roy’s favorite scary movie is “The Cunning Fox.”

*Roy acts like an alarm clock to wake the Skelanimals.

*He’s always cheerful and excited as soon as he wakes up in the morning. He helps make the morning easy to get through, especially when you’d rather stay in bed.


Maxx the Bull Dog.

*Maxx may seem a bit rough on the outside.
*But deep down inside, he’s not really a tough guy!
*He’ll protect his friends, but his mean bite is just for show.
*He’s gentle and kind, just don’t tell him you know!


Lolita the Killer Whale.

*Lolita’s favorite scary movie is “The Never Ending Whale Show.”

*Lolita loves to perform, but not for the rest of her life.

*The other Skelanimals give her hope that one day she’ll be able to join her family and show them all the fun tricks she has learned.


Cecil the Snake.

*Cecil’s favorite scary movie is “The Snake and the Mongoose.”
*She can be very witty at times. She tries to hypnotize some of the Skelanimals to do things for her but most of the time it doesn’t work so she ends up just looking silly.
*Cecil likes to wrap herself around your leg and sleep, ‘cause it’s warm and cozy.


Foxy the Fox.

*Foxy’s favorite scary movie is “Ghost Hounds.”
*She likes being chased. Foxy and Dax play together a lot, only because she pesters him until he chases her to some place he’s never been and then she’ll watch him from a distance as he finds his way home.
*She’s a good friend and will try her best to get you out of trouble even though she’s the one that got you in trouble in the first place.


Matt the Mouse.

*Matt’s favorite scary movie is “9 lives.”
*He’s always busy doing things even if it’s nothing.
*He can’t seem to relax and is always aware of where Kit is even when she’s out of the house.
*Matt may be small, but he’s a big help whenever anyone loses something in cramped and tight places.


Dolphie the Dolphin.

*Dolphie’s favorite scary movie is “The Great White.”
*She likes spending time just relaxing in the water and doesn’t mind when Pen comes in to swim with her.
*She can get chatty at times when she’s excited about something, but that’s okay; Thomas is always there to listen.


Oliver the Owl.

*Oliver's favorite scary movie is "The Falling Moon."
*He just likes staring at the scenes in which the moon gets bigger and bigger on the screen. Oliver is the most knowledgeable of the Skelanimals.
*They go to him for information but they are also aware that he likes to play tricks.
*If you want some answers from him, pay attention to how he speaks; you can tell if he's lying or not.


Timmy the Spider.

*Timmy's favorite scary movie is "The Hall of Mirrors."
*Every time he sees a mirror, he gets scared and hides under a cup.
*He knows when he sees his reflection he'll be paralyzed from fright. *Timmy can be creative with his webbing. He is the most artistic of the Skelanimals.


Pudge the Turtle.

*Pudge's favorite scary movie is "Beach Fun."
*This is really just a lighthearted movie, but Pudge gets really frightened by the scenes of kids running around and kicking sand on the beach.
*Being a turtle, Pudge moves slowly, but Jack is constantly bugging him to race again, since Jack lost the last time.

*Pudge likes to do things carefully and think things over, and over again. This way, when he finally acts, he has his whole heart and mind into it and knows it's going to be done right the first time.


Thomas the Hippopotamus (Hippo).

*Thomas’ favorite scary movie is “Geography, Our Beautiful Deserts.” *Not a scary movie, but to Thomas it is. He loves to stay in the tub where it’s nice and wet.
*You can always count on him to leave drips of water around the house, which drives Kit crazy.
*He likes to listen to the other Skelanimals chatting. Just hanging around is fun enough for him.


Tristan the Seal.

*Tristan loves showing off. Whenever he has a new trick he makes everyone pay attention.
*He can be the life of the party, but also get carried away and not know when to stop.
*He hangs out with Pen in the bathtub. They like playing whirlpool. They both go round and round in the tub until they are dizzy.
*The other Skelanimals don't like them playing whirlpool, 'cause water splashes all over the house.


Jae the Wolf.

*Jae's favorite scary movie is "Running with Wolves."
*Jae is always around you or the other Skelanimals. He needs to be part of a group or a pack.
*His keen sense of smell alerts him whenever something unfamiliar comes close so he stands guard with Maxx at your bedside.
*He tries to get along with Diego but for some reason it's generally awkward.
*Jae loves to pounce, so if you're not paying attention he'll pounce on you, then run off.

Well that's all of their likes and dislikes! ~ Tania out!

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